Things that make you happy!

:)Why is that single a person is the cause of your despair or happiness? Why is that we get so attached with someone that THEY decide the course of your mood throughout the day?  Why do we forget that there are many moments in life that actually make you happy form inside?
Remember the feeling when a baby grasps your finger with his whole hand? How amazing is that! You actually smile in the purest form, and the happiness is unexplainable! And that feeling, when you realize that how much your friends mean to you, how much those stupid things mean so much to you!
That feeling when someone is smiling because of you, when you are expecting something and it actually happens, when the music touches your soul, when the radio plays your favorite song and you start singing and dancing, when you understand what is being taught :D,  the moment when you realize that you can have an hour of sleep more in the morning, when you are appreciated, the applaud you hear for yourself, puppies!…. the list goes on!

Life gives you so many reasons to stay happy, then why is that your Happiness is ‘defined’ by a Single person? Look around, you are surrounded by bliss! 🙂

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